Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Galvez Socks

I am most happy to share the news that My Galvez Sock pattern has been selected to be in the next One Skein book! It will be One Skein Lace.

Initially, I submitted a pair of socks but they were not identical - one was beaded and one was knit on a larger needle to achieve a larger sock - made sense at the time. Judith Durant asked me to knit a 3rd sock to match one of the socks submitted. I didn't have enough yarn left to knit another sock and I seriously doubted the two socks would have matched, being knit over two years apart. So, I agreed to knit another pair. Extremely relieved that I could find some online; I ordered more Lorna's Laces shepherd sock in Lakeview. Diligently knitting for the last 10 days, I finished the new pair yesterday morning! They were blocked flat on the kitchen counter overnight and I wound up actually using the blow dryer on them AND pressing them with the iron this morning! After boxing them, I delivered them to UPS to be shipped to Storey Publishing! Hooray! All of this was nearly half a day's work!


The Galvez sock is knit on a small circular and continues on the circular until you get down to the toe. At the toe, you transfer stitches to double points to do the decreases and kitchener closing. For most knitters, it's an unfamiliar concept instead of the other more familiar (not necessarily easier IMHO) methods of sock knitting.

A collection of pictures of the newly knitted Galvez Socks

Tops of socks

Toes of socks

Stitch pattern of socks

Shows pattern on top of foot and stockinette on bottom of foot


I am pleased with the way they turned out. Glad I am finished with them and on to knitting a few Cuddly Bunnies in sock yarn - just for fun! I have a bunny OTN in this yarn now.


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