Thursday, June 27, 2013

At Home - Cleaning out the Pantry

Getting close to putting our house on the market, I am energized at the thought of getting very close to being finished with all the preparations.

My chore today is cleaning out the pantry. It's a nice roomy pantry that has gotten over-stocked. Joe isn't happy with just A bag of chips, he wants several kinds of chips. You get the picture! Let me show you - it is jam-packed as my Grandmother would say. I have items grouped, on twirlies, canned goods thingies, risers and so on but there is just too MUCH!


I prefer to stop at the market every couple of days, buying fresh fruit and veggies; maybe a bit of meat. Joe prefers stocking up for the long haul and the dreaded snack attack.


I have the bottom shelf emptied - three more to go. Checking expiration dates and maybe boxing some things that can go with us! Then I can put back the things we will be using over the next couple of weeks. Sigh! In the meantime, the washer and dryer are happily chugging along.


After 2.5 hours, I have gone through everything. Checking all expiration dates, organizing and wiping down the shelves. After six years, the shelves still look great. They won't need to be painted.

Closer -

Now, to sit down with a nice glass of iced tea and talk to Bella!


Thursday, June 6, 2013


World Wide Knit in Public Day is this Saturday! The purpose of this world-wide event is to make people aware of knitting and crochet by knitting in public (KIP) places. Many of us who knit KIP throughout the year! I think most people know about knitting and crochet these days but its still fun!

There are 2 WWKIP events being held in our area this Saturday.

1) South Branch Library on Lake Robbins Dr in The Woodlands 10am - 2pm. They have yarn bombed the library, inside and out! It is spectacular - A MUST SEE! (sponsored by the Houston Guild)

2) iPurl on College Park Dr in The Woodlands 10am - 3pm. We are having a FREE raffle drawing every 30 min. You do not have to be present to win! McAlister's and Willie's have provided coupons if you would like to lunch close by and KIP! Bring your knitting/crochet along with your bag chair and come join us for a fun day! The last drawing of the day will be for a selected Offhand Designs knitting bag!