Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Another Contractor Appt

Our first contractor bid seemed really high. So, we met this afternoon with another contractor, Maurice. He was very personable and seemed to really know what he was doing. He even asked about wiring and installing speakers for music; I liked that! After explaining what we would like to have done in the space, we discussed the timing of the project based upon the lease signing, of course. We would like to get the build-out part ready to start when we finally sign that lease.

Lease update - the lease is being reviewed by the attorney for AmReit, owners of the space. They will make their adjustments and send it back to our attorney. We should hear something Friday. At some point, it should stop being bounced back and forth.

In the meantime, I am ready to get on with the fun parts of this. Think I will look at some Lantern Moon stuff and maybe place an order. They have new sock monkey tape measures!

I can't work on the rocker this week as we are dog sitting Cooper until Friday. He is my shadow. Literally, I can hardly vacuum for him! He would most surely get into the paint. Nobody wants to have to give him a bath!


Cooper with his bone - looks like he is smiling


Bella and Cooper (she is standing on the footstool). It's very difficult to get a picture of the two of them together. They are BFFs.



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