Sunday, March 11, 2012

Joe's Knitting

I have always thought Joe was absolutely fabulous because he really knows his way around the kitchen. Chicken and Sausage Gumbo, Jambalaya, Green Beans with New Potatoes and Dream Whip Pie are his specialties. Sunday mornings are just not complete without Poppy Waffles! Every year, at Thanksgiving, he always buys a frozen RAW turkey; marinates it in CuraƧao (which turns the big bird blue), and stuffs it with fruit and dressing. It is always beautiful, delicious and ready at noon! This is accomplished in the middle of a house full of children, grandchildren and a couple of dogs.

And Joe knits. Some days, I think I surely must have died and gone to Heaven! Knitting with Joe can be an amusing hour or so. Never try to count stitches or focus on your pattern when knitting with him. The profanities fly, with emphasis, when he makes a mistake! (I can't help giggling) You would think his entire project must have completely "unknitted" itself, when in reality, he has only dropped a stitch. To be completely honest, Joe usually knits when he has nothing else he wants to do. 

I thought I would post his current project OTN, as he likes to say. It is the Chevron Scarf from the latest Knit NORO Accessories book. He is using two different colorways of Iro (#112 and #119) and alternating them. He is using a 16" circ, so you can see its going to be quite wide. It's going to be beautiful!


This is the wonderful man behind iPurl.

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