Friday, March 30, 2012
It's a Done Deal
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Araucania's Huasco is Here
Huasco has arrived! Huasco is a new sock weight yarn from Araucania. A nice selection of patterns debuted also; it's not just for socks. I ordered this yarn back before Thanksgiving and it looks like it has been well worth the wait! It is beautiful. I spent the afternoon getting It on The colors are beautiful and it has a great feel.
I am going to be comparing UPS shipping to the Post Office rates for the website. The US mail Priority rates just went up along with their flat rate prices. I think I can ship by weight with UPS for less. The UPS tracking and verified delivery are a BIG plus! It's a shame that the Post Office sells verified delivery but they can't tell you it was delivered to the right person. Shipping rates will continue to rise along with the gasoline prices.
I thought we would sign the lease today. Barbara is expecting the execution copy any time.
I am glad tomorrow is Friday......
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
iPurl Address
3335 College Park Dr
Suite 450
The Woodlands, TX 77384
Finally got confirmation of the address!
Monday, March 26, 2012
Just a Quick Update
Jeremy called to update us on what is going on this morning. It seems the Owner of the retail space is having difficulty determining what the suite # is! Jeremy volunteered to drive to the space and figure it out from the other businesses' suite #s but they said they had already done that. For some reason, they were still having a problem. Hmmmmm.
The final lease agreement and our LLC documents need that suite number! We are hoping they figure it out today. Maurice, the contractor, is also waiting in the wings.
I am processing our First international order on the iPurl website this morning! I was wondering how long it would be before we started shipping overseas. COOL!!
I am expecting several large (5-6) boxes of merchandise this week - this would be the BEST part of being a shop owner. A large order from Lantern Moon is on its way. I am hoping it arrives today as I can hardly wait to see some of the things I ordered! I LOVE LOVE LOVE Lantern Moon's things! Auracania's Huasco is also coming. I will start working to get everything up on the website as soon as it arrives. I will have to find a place to stack these boxes as "out of the way" as possible since Kim and kids are coming next week. I have been stacking everything in my yarn room/studio; that will work out okay as Matthew can sleep on the sofa.
In the meantime, I have been knitting a bunny. I will post some pics this evening.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
So far, this whole process has been like ticking items off a "To Do"list. It makes me think of the "eating an elephant one bite at a time thing." I must say it is most important to find great professional people to help you.
Now, the only holdup on signing the lease is the search for the name "iPurl" for our LLC. We expect to sign early next week. Next up on the list is Maurice. He is going to make the space pretty!
Now, settling in for a little TV (preferably baseball) with Joe, might work on a little bunny and playing with Bella!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Galvez Socks
I am most happy to share the news that My Galvez Sock pattern has been selected to be in the next One Skein book! It will be One Skein Lace.
Initially, I submitted a pair of socks but they were not identical - one was beaded and one was knit on a larger needle to achieve a larger sock - made sense at the time. Judith Durant asked me to knit a 3rd sock to match one of the socks submitted. I didn't have enough yarn left to knit another sock and I seriously doubted the two socks would have matched, being knit over two years apart. So, I agreed to knit another pair. Extremely relieved that I could find some online; I ordered more Lorna's Laces shepherd sock in Lakeview. Diligently knitting for the last 10 days, I finished the new pair yesterday morning! They were blocked flat on the kitchen counter overnight and I wound up actually using the blow dryer on them AND pressing them with the iron this morning! After boxing them, I delivered them to UPS to be shipped to Storey Publishing! Hooray! All of this was nearly half a day's work!
The Galvez sock is knit on a small circular and continues on the circular until you get down to the toe. At the toe, you transfer stitches to double points to do the decreases and kitchener closing. For most knitters, it's an unfamiliar concept instead of the other more familiar (not necessarily easier IMHO) methods of sock knitting.
A collection of pictures of the newly knitted Galvez Socks
Tops of socks
Stitch pattern of socks
I am pleased with the way they turned out. Glad I am finished with them and on to knitting a few Cuddly Bunnies in sock yarn - just for fun! I have a bunny OTN in this yarn now.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Lease Negotiations Update
This evening, we have received a final negotiated lease agreement we feel we can sign. Hooray! Many thanks to Jeremy Hall and Barbara May!
Joe is reviewing a revised bid from Maurice as I type. It's looking really good also!
I believe we are about to move forward to the next phase.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Shop Update and Big Cuddly Bunny
The lease agreement has gone back to Owner for a last negotiation. There wasn't anything in the last version that Joe and I couldn't live with but both Barbara and Jeremy thought it needed to go back one more time. They are watching out for us. Hoping to sign SOON. We got a very good bid from Maurice. He is adding a couple of things and will present a final bid. (Maurice's bid was just over 1/2 of the first bid, BTW) We are wanting him to be ready to start with his crew when we get the keys! His time estimate for the buildout is 3 weeks.
When Maurice finishes, our work begins in the shop - placing large orders, working on displays, accepting deliveries and getting everything priced and into inventory. Joe and I will be working on furnishings in the afternoons also. I can hardly wait to see it all come together!
I had asked Lantern Moon to hold my order (paid for it, of course) but they wanted to send it on to my home address. With the Knit N Needle, orders from them went on backorder and took awhile to get. That's not the case any more BUT they do have everything now but may not in 2 months. I WANT this order in the shop when it opens, so, here it comes. (what's another 2 - 4 large boxes in the hallway or yarn room)
The Big Cuddly Bunny that's knit in chunky yarn looks so cute knit in sock yarn on #1 needles. Sock yarn Bunny is 4" tall and 8.25 inches around. I followed the basics of the pattern not changing the numbers in any way; I did not purl on the bottom. I knitted all of it, preferring the stockinette version.
I have pictures!
He's stuffed and the top of his head is kitchenered. There is a typo on Bunny's right ear Round 13 - it should say "(Kfb, K9) 2 times. After knitting the second ear, leave at least a 12 inch tail to use to Kitchener the top of Bunny's head. Makes it easier.... Also, at each end of both double points, pick up one stitch at the side of the ears. You won't have to do any sewing there when you are finished.
I used pellets to stuff Bunny to give him stability. Using a small funnel and a teaspoon made it easy!
When you stuff Bunny, keep shaking him and stuffing pellets down. Bunny will take more pellets than you think. Once, Bunny is pretty full, stuff the top of the head with fiberfill (I used cotton balls, pulling them apart and really pressed them in).
Now, my Bunny just needs a cute face - some button eyes, a nose and whiskers. I have another Bunny OTN! An Easter Basket with several of these tucked in will look fabulous!
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Big Cuddly Bunny
Even though there is a lot of work going on behind the scenes by some really super people, there isn't really anything shop related to report today. I did place a large Lantern Moon order yesterday. I want to be sure as much of it as possible comes in before opening day. I love all their stitch markers, tape measures, knitting baskets and silk bags! Lantern Moon has great stuff!
I have been wanting to knit bunnies. It is probaby due to the wonderful warm weather we are having and knowing Easter is right around the corner. I have found a couple of bunny patterns I really like and thought I would share them since it is the time we are all thinking about Easter baskets for children and grandchildren!
Instructions for Big Cuddly Bunny can be found here. It is knit in chunky yarn but can be knit in any weight. I am knitting in NORO Taiyo. I will post pics of him soon.
Another bunny pattern coming tomorrow.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Another Contractor Appt
Our first contractor bid seemed really high. So, we met this afternoon with another contractor, Maurice. He was very personable and seemed to really know what he was doing. He even asked about wiring and installing speakers for music; I liked that! After explaining what we would like to have done in the space, we discussed the timing of the project based upon the lease signing, of course. We would like to get the build-out part ready to start when we finally sign that lease.
Lease update - the lease is being reviewed by the attorney for AmReit, owners of the space. They will make their adjustments and send it back to our attorney. We should hear something Friday. At some point, it should stop being bounced back and forth.
In the meantime, I am ready to get on with the fun parts of this. Think I will look at some Lantern Moon stuff and maybe place an order. They have new sock monkey tape measures!
I can't work on the rocker this week as we are dog sitting Cooper until Friday. He is my shadow. Literally, I can hardly vacuum for him! He would most surely get into the paint. Nobody wants to have to give him a bath!
Cooper with his bone - looks like he is smiling
Bella and Cooper (she is standing on the footstool). It's very difficult to get a picture of the two of them together. They are BFFs.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Joe's Knitting
And Joe knits. Some days, I think I surely must have died and gone to Heaven! Knitting with Joe can be an amusing hour or so. Never try to count stitches or focus on your pattern when knitting with him. The profanities fly, with emphasis, when he makes a mistake! (I can't help giggling) You would think his entire project must have completely "unknitted" itself, when in reality, he has only dropped a stitch. To be completely honest, Joe usually knits when he has nothing else he wants to do.
I thought I would post his current project OTN, as he likes to say. It is the Chevron Scarf from the latest Knit NORO Accessories book. He is using two different colorways of Iro (#112 and #119) and alternating them. He is using a 16" circ, so you can see its going to be quite wide. It's going to be beautiful!
Friday, March 9, 2012
I have not been able to get on the Internet all day! We have satellite Internet service at home (that's what we get for living out in the middle of nowhere). I am not sure if the problem was the bad weather or the solar storm that has been blasting Earth all day. I am hoping this will post.
Yesterday, I met with knitting friends, Cindy and Jo Anne, at Barnes and Noble for lunch and knitting. It was an overcast, rainy kind of day that drew many people into the bookstore to be with friends over a nice hot coffee. We have been knitting the beautiful Tea Cosy in the new NORO book as a KAL. Mine will be a display in the shop. I have ordered lots of that NORO colorway; It came in 2 days ago. I think it will be a popular knit project.
I stopped by the future iPurl on the way home and took a quick pic -
Today was, again, all about lease negotiations and a contractor proposal. I think we are in the very FINAL lease negotiations. Thank goodness for a super commercial realtor, Barbara, and commercial real estate attorney, Jeremy, I don't have the patience for this sort of thing. We could not do this without them. By the way, it is 38 pages of legal talk. I am not kidding!
Next up is the build out of the interior of the space. We don't want a lot. At least I didn't think so. Proposal is $21K +. We will be working to get that down to a more reasonable amount. Thank God for Joe! This is his expertise.
Joe and I are going to look at flooring and cabinets tomorrow. Also meeting Wade and Christa, along with Hannah, Aiden, Audrey and Halaina, for dinner tomorrow evening for Halaina's 6th Birthday! It will be fun!
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Meeting with Contractor
Today was our first meeting with James the contractor. It is our first build-out of commercial space so it's all new to us! Currently, the space is boxed in with sheetrock walls, the ceiling is in with fluorescent lights and a bathroom. Very basic stuff. James is going to make it into what we want it to be. A small kitchen area with a door is a must for a quiet place to have a quick lunch or coffee (regain your sanity or maybe count to ten - whatever is needed at the time) and possible a bit of storage for yarn. We are considering having a separate classroom. This stuff is Joe's expertise.
We are very pleased with the location. Being close to I45, we are hoping it is easy and convenient for everyone. I took a couple of pictures so everyone can see the space as it is before we start. This picture is from the inside looking out the front glass. It's called a vanilla box but it looks more like a bowling alley right now.
This is from the front of the space looking toward the back. The space on the left will be the kitchen area. It will be walled in with a door.
There is also space designated for a nice sized knitting area towards the back on the left that will be open to everyone every day. I'm hoping to find a nice round table and some comfortable chairs at Round Top in April.
Joe and I had dinner at Wang's Asian Fusion, in the same strip center, this evening. IT WAS FABULOUS! The menu is incredible with Chinese, Japanese and Thai and a nice sushi menu. They have a nice wine and imported beer selection! I had the best chicken/vegetable fried rice that I have ever had. Joe had Triple Delight and said it was delicious. We will be regulars there.
Vintage Flower Doily
Sometimes you can find the most amazing pieces of needlework in thrift shops, antique stores and flea markets. I always wonder about the person who created the piece. It is evident they loved beautiful things and had a desire to be creative.
I am always on the lookout for exceptional handmade pieces. For the most part, crocheted items are what you will see. I recently found a beautiful little flower doily! I gave it a good hand-washing, gently rolled it in a hand towel to remove excess water and pinned it onto a blocking mat. By blocking, you can really enhance its design! Never, never, never put any crocheted or knitted lace in the washer or dryer. They will be ruined forever.
On the blocking mat
Close up of pinning - I placed a pin under each petal to lift it up. I did not starch this doily as cotton dries fairly stiff on its own.
Both my Grandmothers were exceptional crocheters. I have wonderful memories of quiet afternoons spent crocheting to the hum of the air conditioning. My Grandmother, Mae, always had doilies about and would use mason jars to shape the ruffles on her larger doilies after laundering them. There would be a pot of warm, thick, goopy bluish starch on the top of the stove to dip the lace into before blocking. The doilies were then placed on the kitchen counter or table and stretched out to dry. In the hot, dry Texas summertime, it didn't take long!
My Meme, Luella, crocheted tablecloths and bedspreads. When my daughter, Kim, was a baby, I would go to Meme's house one day a week and we spent that day crocheting. She taught me to not only crochet but read patterns! Her simple tuna salad was my favorite lunch! Today, I credit my love of crocheted lace to them.
You will be richly rewarded for a little bit of time and effort
Close up of flowers