I have been working for several weeks on a seamless Marry Jane. Nobody likes seaming! There CAN be a seamless baby shoe.

I have been working for several weeks on a seamless Marry Jane. Nobody likes seaming! There CAN be a seamless baby shoe.
There were only 2 boxes of knitting stuff to unpack. They were large boxes, not much yarn, but there were other things in the boxes also - a swift, knitting needles, crochet hooks, a couple of yarn bowls, patterns, a few magazines, project baskets - you get the idea. Very few books came to the apartment - I was happy to see the ones that made it! (Books are like old friends). Most of the yarn is in 2 large Lantern Moon baskets and doesn't have to go into the writing desk. Thank goodness!
I have an antique Chinese writing desk purchased to hold beads and all things beading. It all fit perfectly and was well organized. That was all packed into boxes and the little antique writing desk was brought to the apartment to hold my knitting stuff - it is also doubling as a TV stand since the apartment is small.
The writing desk is much prettier In person. It has Chinese scenes and decorations on it. I am optimistic, hoping it will hold most everything.
Maybe some things can go into the closet
Wondering how Bella's Halloween sweater got in the boxes destined for the apartment?
Not too bad - I am sure it will get more organized and condensed over time. The necessary items are where I can easily find them.
Basket of yarn in the bedroom on top of the box of knitting stuff that didn't fit in the Chinese cabinet.
Sitting down to work on some little knitted Mary Janes. I looked and looked, even purchasing a few patterns, for a Mary Jane that is truly no seaming. Many were knit in the round but there was always some seaming to finish. I designed a simple one with no seaming! Test knitting and checking over the pattern this evening. I need a pair very soon!
Joe and I are settling into the apartment. Resting and trying to get back to a normal routine while unpacking the things we need. We are back to cooking in the evenings.
After our moving weekend, Joe has decided (giggling) that Maxwell Movers can move EVERYTHING to the house when we move in! I am all for that!
This is one of 2 storage building that are completely full.
Cosy Apartment Living
Out the window
Bella found the window
Bella's favorite place
I took 2 Benadryl last night because of all the pollen in the air. Slept SO good but slow to come alive this morning. Joe was calling early and all I could manage to do is say "What?" Movers are moving the heavy stuff - most of the furniture. They are scheduled for the 8th. Robert will be here around noon to look around and give us an estimate.
After 2 cups of coffee, feeling much better.
Trying to remember my job is to just pack - get everything in a box.
First on the list is the April Class Schedule for the shop. It always takes awhile to say the least. After getting it typed, project pictures in place, conspiring with a couple of the instructors, proofing twice - it is finally up on our FaceBook page. Hoolie is emailing it as I type. We have some fun stuff on there this month! It is a very important part of what goes on at iPurl!
Back to packing - this is what I am looking at from my packing station at the bar. Joe keeps bringing in empty boxes. I am sure we will need them. He knows I don't want them in the garage - you know, scorpions! I am terrified of them!
My shelves in the yarn room
They are beginning to look empty. This is where I am putting the things I will need over the next 6 months
The other side of the room (sigh)
Two large Lantern Moon baskets full of yarn have to be sorted through
Everything has to go into a box.....
Joe brought home BBQ sandwiches for dinner. I will be packing until about 9PM.